It’s pronounced “kay-lee.” But however you say it, it’s Gaelic for “a party or celebration with eating, singing, and dancing.” I pronounce that “FUN!”
On Saturday, March 9th, at 7:30 PM, The Cranford Knights of Columbus are taking over the gymnasium at St. Michael’s School for just such a ceili. Your $35.00 per person entrance fee brings you a traditional Irish corned beef and cabbage dinner, wings, beer, wine, and soda. It also offers you an opportunity to try your luck at gift basket raffles, and to dance along to the sounds of live Irish music performed by “The Craic Band.”
It’s a great opportunity to have a blast with friends and neighbors and usher St. Patrick’s Day in a wee bit early.
And while you’re having a blast, you’ll be helping those that need it. Because all proceeds will benefit Hurricane Sandy victims! Sure and begorrah, ’tis true! What a great way to have fun while helping others! Kilkenny House proprietors Barry O’Donovan and Peggy Murray will be honored at the event, which is sure to be tremendous fun!!!! And Sharon Steele Real Estate will be donating a gift basket!! I hope you win it!
Advance reservations are required, so call or text Rich Pierce at (908)338-5037, or email him at , for reservations. Then put on your dancing shoes, come thirsy and hungry, and have a grand ole’ Irish fest while helping out neighbors in need! The St. Patrick’s Day Ceili in Cranford NJ 3/9/13 ‘Tis a ceili not to be missed, lads and lassies!
Couldn’t have said it better myself! Thanks
Looking forward to it, Rich!