LABO Refillery Lets You Give the Gift of Zero Waste at Affordable Prices
Creating LABO Refillery has been a dream of owners Joseph Fule and Meliza Veneracion-Fule for many years. Opening on April 22, Earth Day, LABO opened just in time to provide the local community with eco-friendly options before New Jersey issued the ban on single-use carryout bags, polystyrene foam food service products, and plastic straws. Their shop at 11 Walnut Avenue in Downtown Cranford, NJ is filled with zero-waste solutions for every aspect of your life – laundry, baby care, food storage, kitchen products, and beauty care! We wanted to introduce you to these fabulous owners and learn more about why they started this sustainable shop, their favorite products, and why they love to call Cranford home.

Walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
LABO Refillery is an idea that came from seeing first-hand the amount of plastic waste everywhere. Our family would go on beach vacations and see plastic on the shores, on top of the ocean, and even on the ocean floor. During the pandemic, we watched a documentary on the enormous amount of plastic waste we have in the planet and the reality that very little is being recycled. We wanted to figure out what we could do with the plastic containers we already had at home. We recycled and repurposed those plastic containers and refilled them with products we always use like laundry detergent soaps, shampoo, conditioners, etc.. That sparked the idea of starting a refill store!
What inspired your commitment to clean living?
My wife and I started using natural and organic products when we had our kids. They have very sensitive skin and a lot of allergies. We naturally transitioned to using products that are sustainable and earth friendly.

What sparked your inspiration for opening The LABO Refillery?
We want to help the community by serving as a reminder that each one of us can do our little part to save our planet. Miss Earth 2017, Karen Ibasco, once said “Our micro-efforts will have a macro-effect “.
In your own words, tell us what LABO Refillery is all about
LABO Refillery is a store that refills any containers with liquid products such as shampoos, conditioners, lotions, body wash, hand soaps, dish soaps, laundry detergents, all- purpose cleaners, and bathroom cleaners to help reduce plastic waste. We also have natural, organic, recycled, and upcycled products.
What made you choose Cranford, NJ for your storefront?
Cranford, NJ is a very green town. We feel that living in Cranford means incorporating environmentally-friendly behaviors and neighbors will support our cause to help the planet.
What is your curation process when selecting products to sell at LABO Refillery?
We are very particular with our products and test them first to check their quality. Finding products that are natural and eco-friendly is our mission and we strive to purchase from fellow small businesses so we can help each other.

Take care of your holiday list at LABO Refillery!
Stop by our store or visit our website for guilt-free gift ideas for different occasions and holidays. We have gift certificates and discounts on certain holidays. You can also bring your own containers for refills! Many products are under $5 and perfect for stocking stuffers!
Favorite products right now?
Our store favorites are LABO Organic Soaps and Scrappy Soaps (which are from the edges of the soap molds and irregular-size cut soaps). We also love our Sweet and Sassy lotion (different scented, colored body lotions you can choose from or layer all of them in our glass bottle with a pump!).
What’s the biggest reason customers should use a refillery?
The United States only recycles 5% of plastics every year. By reusing the containers we already own, we reduce plastic waste and plastic accumulation at landfills.

Anything exciting coming up?
LABO Refillery is planning to offer pick-up and delivery in the near future! Stay tuned!
Follow LABO Refillery for holiday updates and hours on Facebook and Instagram or at their website at www.laborefillery.com
Email laborefillery@gmail.com with any questions
Call at 908-456-2465 or
Visit them in person at 11 Walnut Avenue, Cranford New Jersey 07016
December Hours
Monday-Saturday: 9 am-7 pm
Sundays 10 am-5 pm
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