Guest post from Cranford, NJ resident Randi Grossman Petersen:
I look forward to Spring and Summer because I love being outside in my gardens. There is such an excitement when my
perennials start poking their heads through the soil and the bushes and trees turn green and start to bud. But perhaps even more exciting during this time is what has happened every single year since we have lived in this house! After scoping out our Pyracantha bush…which is just outside our back door…a mama Robin builds her nest. This is where my obsession takes hold. Watching as she and presumably her mate create this home is inspiring. Upon completion, Mama now sits and waits until her eggs have been laid. Within 2 weeks…over a period of 3 days…each baby bird is hatched in the order the egg was laid. For the next 2 weeks…the babies are brought their nutrition constantly during the day by their very protective mother. I say this because since the nest is really close to my back door…everytime we go
in or out…she flies to my patio and waits and makes a racket until she can return safely. Pretty soon the babies will learn how to fly and take off. The nest will then be empty until it all begins again!
Randi Grossman Petersen is a Cranford, NJ resident and avid nature lover.
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