Cranford Jaycees 8th Annual Golf Outing
On Friday, June 27th, The Cranford Jaycees are holding their 8th annual Golf Outing at the Ash Brook Golf Course at 1210 Raritan Road in Scotch Plains. The cost is $125 per player, and includes greens fees, a cart, drinks during and after the round, the banquet following play, and a course souvenir. Registration will begin at 12:30 and run until 12:50, followed by a shotgun start, with scramble format, at 1:00. Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams, and there will also be four prize-awarded challenge holes. Additional Prizes will also be raffled off at the subsequent banquet.
For over 50 years, the Cranford Jaycees have combined networking, community activity, individual development, and training while making friends for life. Participating in volunteer community events, establishing rewarding friendships and professional contacts, and the gratification of servicing humanity, are just a few of the member benefits. Throughout the year, the Cranford Jaycees are involved in many community events, including the town Halloween parade, the holiday tree trimming and lighting, pancake breakfast, the Firecracker 4 mile road race, and many others. The proceeds from these fundraisers apply directly to the Cranford Jaycees Scholarship fund and other community based organizations.
You can learn more about this very worthwhile organization and the golf outing at . And you can have an enjoyable day golfing with friends on a beautiful golf course while helping them out.
matt carides says
trying to find out more information on the golf outing please call me Matt
at 908-635-1897