Summer is a great time of year to pack up the family for a few days and head out to . . . . . wherever. Beach, mountains, amusement parks, foreign lands . . . . travelling can be a great family experience. For MOST of the family, that is. But not always for the fuzzy family members.
Finding the right care for your dog while you are away can be incredibly stressful. You wonder if they are miserable, if they are eating, if they are being cared for properly . . . it can really diminish the whole vacation. Well, fret no more! Because now there’s a way to practically insure that your dog will have almost as good of an experience on his vacation as you are having on your vacation.
K-9 Resorts is actually one of the first facilities of its kind in the entire country. It is, truly, an actual hotel for dogs . . . and a five-star hotel, a that. What makes K-9 unique is that it offers human quality amenities in every aspect of the facility . . . . from luxury suites with color TV’s and actual Simmons dog beds, to room service with grilled chicken and bottled spring water imported from France (That’s right. Bottles. No tap water for these pooches!)
The K-9 Resorts also offers daycare options for your dog, as well as cage-free luxury suites for overnight stays. The pampered pooch who is used to being catered to can finally go to a place that will give him “paws” to reflect on how much his family loves him. It is, truly, a state-of-the-art hotel, and an ingenius, well-equipped pet facility.
Brothers Steven and Jason Parker grew up here in NJ as animal lovers, and earned money as teenagers by “pet-sitting” for others when they would be away. Today, they are the creators and operators of K-9 Resorts Daycare & Luxury Hotel, the number one rated pet service in New Jersey. It was in 2005 that Steven and Jason purchased a commercial building, and had it custom engineered and constructed to be an upscale pet facility. And that one did so well, that in 2009 the business expanded to include other locations. K-9 Resorts is the only facility in New Jersey that is rated # 1 by multiple major publications, and there’s one nearby, at 43 South Avenue in Fanwood.
To learn more about the facility, pricing, and what is offered, check out the website at K-9 Resorts You may decide to throw on a dog suit and pass ourself of as a guest of these fine accommodations. The pooch pampering is tempting!
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