TOWN PRIDE. If you couldn’t tell, it’s something I have in spades, and it makes me happy when I see others express pride in their hometown. Recently a thread was started in one of our favorite Facebook Groups: Cranford NJ Area- Families, where residents shared their favorite things about Cranford. The list went on and on and gave me the feels, reminding me of all the wonderful events and attributes of this town I call home.
The original Facebook thread was started by my friend Rich Pierce, when he shared his love of the annual Scarecrow Stroll and wrote: “It is another great unique, Cranford thing. In this day and age of everything becoming so homogenized, it’s a breath of fresh air.” Rich went on to mention more of his favorite things about Cranford (including that we have a real working farm at Dreyer’s), and asked what other people find unique about Cranford. Here are just some of the terrific replies:
Samantha Sam: “I love the sense of community, and when someone is in crisis people pull together and take over to help the person or people in need. And our police department who are present and diligent in keeping us safe. So grateful to be a part of this community.”
Ashley Marie Seibel: “I love the traditions that have stayed since I was little and probably even before that: the Christmas house tour, duck drop, team sports rivalries, etc. . . . Even my mom and I both having some of the same teachers. My grandparents moved here from Brooklyn back in the 60s and raised their family, my parents raised me and my brother here, and now my husband and I are raising my sons here.”
Pauline Elizabeth: “Neighbors who become good friends.”
Kristin Ferrara: “Here is my list . . . lots of these are thanks to the Jaycees! Easter Egg Hunt, Memorial Day Parade, Cranford West, Fourth of July Fireworks, National Night Out, Oktoberfest, Ducky Derby, Scarecrow Stroll, Pumpkin Chucking/Halloween Parade, Herning Halloween, Luminaries, Santa Home Delivery.”
Personally, I have to add the wonderful Cranford Paint Out plein-air event hosted annually by The Artist Framer, which has put Cranford on the map as a true arts destination! The quaint Canoe Club is another favorite of mine, long with the festive decorations that homeowners display at Halloween and during the holiday season. Robert Schott’s AMAZING snow sculptures in front of his home on Springfield Ave make me giddy. The top-notch education that my sons have received throughout their schooling here is truly a gift. The gorgeous classic architecture of the old houses in town makes a realtor like me swoon. A downtown with non-chain stores where I can buy unique gifts is something I’ll always treasure. The gorgeous parks and ponds in town are little slices of heaven. And let’s not forget the fabulous RESTAURANTS–too many good ones to name, all worth the calories! (
There are just so many reasons to love Cranford–and that’s why I’m NEVER moving from our special “Mayberry Town”! FEEL FREE TO ADD WHAT YOU LOVE ABOUT CRANFORD!
I love the Memorial Day Parade where there are more people IN the parade than there are people watching it.
Everybody knows someone parading by and is sure to proudly call out their. name. And the featured vehicle at the end of the parade is….wait for it…..the beloved SewerTruck